Access Ministries’ Biblezine Blunder

Think the allure of Cosmo, minus the sleaze, plus the easy-to-read New Century Version of the New Testament

– Christianity Today describing the Biblezine Revolve –

Last weekend it was reported that Access Ministries had handed out “Biblezine” material to Victorian primary students.

The psychologically invasive material is typical conservative fundamental evangelism, with no place in Access’ so-called religious “education” classes. Long the subject of controversy for proselytising to students – what Access CEO Evonne Paddison described as “the greatest mission field in Australia” –  the latest revelation of volunteer conduct has led to an Education Department investigation.

The Department labelled the material as “inappropriate and offensive”. Biblezine material handed out advises primary school aged kids that masturbation and sex before marriage are sinful and girls who wear revealing clothes are inviting sexual assault. The Age reported that girls must not go bra-less because then:

your nipples are much more noticeable and a distraction and temptation for men

Don’t wear jeans cut low around the waist or tube tops because guys are:

sexually stimulated by what they see

The Bible says not to cause anyone else to sin. Are you putting sexual thoughts about your body into guys’ heads? If you are showing a lot of skin you probably are.

In a masterpiece of philosophical reasoning the question of how far can one go before one is no longer “pure”, comes up. A definite quandary given that condoms promote promiscuity. Thus, better to ponder, “How much dog poop stirred into your cookie batter does it take to ruin the whole batter.”


Homosexual feelings? No prizes for guessing where this would go. Time to get some counselling. If you are gay, Biblezine advise that it’s best “to never act on it”, The Age reports.

Access Ministries argue that they do not approve of the Biblezine material, which was handed out at Torquay College by volunteers from the Torquay Christian Fellowship Centre. A key provider of the Magnify Biblezine in Victoria is Scripture Union Victoria.

There are a range of Biblezines published and emanating from the USA. Apart from Scripture Union’s Magnify, there is Revolve 2 and Refuel 2 which popped up at Torquay College. Real is a Biblezine for the “hip-hop crowd”.

Yet Revolve, which offered the totally awesome advice on the power of girls nipples, has been spreading it’s wisdom for over a decade. From Christianity Today – way back in 2003 – we can consult Ten Things You Should Know About The New Girls Biblezine Revolve.

Still there is good news afoot. Since 2011 the number of ACCESS enrolements has fallen by one third. From 940 schools in 2011 to a delightfully devilish 666 last year. The change has followed a move to an “opt-in” choice for students in an environment where schools “may” provide religious instruction.

Previously classes were run on an “opt-out” basis whilst schools themselves were bullied into believing classes “must” be run if offered.

Of course Paddison disputes the Education Department figures claiming to have Access volunteers running classes in 780 schools last year. She has taken to disseminating a ”clarification” email to all schools offering the program.

It finishes:

we request all schools to adhere to the legislation.

Perhaps it would be more in keeping with Access tradition if Evonne Paddison had warned, “I’ll be back”.

Scott Hedges from FIRIS chats on ABC Ballarat

Thurs. March 15th, 2012: Scott Hedges chats with Steve Martin during Mornings on ABC Ballarat about the Fairness In Religions In School campaign.

Catch up on the VCAT hearing.

  1. What’s going on at VCAT? – Dr. Meredith Doig, President of the Rationalist Society of Australia.
  2. Mike Stuchbery, Live Blogging – The Final Showdown
  3. Christians pray for VCAT ruling – Amber Wilson
  4. Trust kids when it comes to religious teaching – Dick Gross
  5. Victorian Humanists – Test case on religious discrimination
  6. Mail from Belfast
  7. ABC Law Report [MP3]:


“The one we serve (Jesus) is the same yesterday, today and forever. And his purposes (converting humanity) will not be thwarted!” (Forward Together Rally 2011)

“What really matters is seizing the God-given opportunity we have to reach kids in schools. Without Jesus, our students are lost”.

“It’s important that the church recognize its commission is to make disciples. Our young people need Christ”.

“What a commandment, make disciples (of school children). What a responsibility. What a privilege we have been given. Let’s go for it!

Scott Hedges Interview – ABC Ballarat

Part of the crowd outside VCAT on March 1st

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Congratulations! The indoctrination was successful. You must restart your life for all features of the programme to take effect. It is recommended you check frequently with your indoctrinator for updates and regularly run full reality scans. Christianity regularly issues automatic updates to guard against secularism, critical thought or non theism. It is recommended you set your life to receive these updates automatically. Christianity takes no responsibility should your life become infected with malware such as multi-faith tolerance, secularism, equal rights, humanism, rationalism or atheism. Instructions on how to repair your life from infection can be found by re-reading and accepting THE BIBLE.


Religious Instruction brings no Joy to Victorian public schools

What really matters is seizing the God-given opportunity to reach kids in schools. Without Jesus, our students are lost… What a commandment: Make disciples… Let’s go for it!

Evonne Paddison, CEO of ACCESS Ministries

Scott Hedges of Fairness In Religions In School chats to Doug Pollard from Joy FM’s Rainbow Report.

In a comprehensive chat they cover the FIRIS campaign, Special Religious Instruction (SRI), legislation, indoctrination in public schools, religious discrimination and the upcoming VCAT challenge. This alleges that the Education Minister’s interpretation of legislation is a violation of the Equal Opportunity Act leading to compulsory segregation based on attendance to SRI.

Scott touches on a point close to one of my own issues with government funding of religious organisations. That faith based welfare is vastly different to faith based practices. The former poised to benefit all, the latter designed to expand a belief system.

In this case we can compare the altruistic work done by religious welfare organisations to the intentional, calculated conversion of primary school children, both at taxpayer expense.

FIRIS parent Scott Hedges interviewed on Joy FM


ACCESS Ministries: Back to religious discrimination in Victoria

FIRIS Billboard hits on religious discrimination in schoolsStory here

Don’t be fooled by ACCESS ministries’ attempt to rewrite history and obfuscate their intention.

Victoria’s legislation provides for public school education about all religions. Yet this privilege has been usurped by a scheme to “save children” through conversion to Christianity.

In a multi-faith, multi-ethnic, secular community the choice of any religion or of no religion should be the right of every family. Not a struggle against a dominant force.


In her own words… again: Evonne Paddison seeks to rewrite history
